Aerial Robotics: Towards prevention of wind turbine maintenance
Aerial Robotics: Towards prevention of wind turbine maintenance
09:00 - 11:00
Online meeting

Aerial Robotics: Towards prevention of wind turbine maintenance

Over the past 30 years, the amount of energy generated by wind turbines has increased by an average of 18.34% per year. In 2018, the energy yield from wind turbines in the Netherlands was a total of 4,393MW. The corresponding maintenance costs were almost 80 million euros that year, not to mention costs incurred due to lack of productivity during downtime for maintenance. The government’s target for 2020 was a yield of 10,450MW. This means that the yield of wind turbines in the Netherlands in 2020 must have increased by 137.9% compared to 2018. In turn, the total maintenance costs have also increased. In the current situation, the wind energy sector highly depends on government subsidies to stay afloat or be profitable. As a result, there is much interest in ways to reduce the costs of wind energy production and maintenance per wind turbine, and increase their life time.

The main objective of this workshop is to explore possible solutions to prevent wind turbine maintenance. To that end, the challenges, opportunities  and the current state-of-the-art regarding maintenance of wind turbines will be presented. There will also be ample time to exchange ideas among participants of the workshop. The workshop is intended to be a platform to initiate possible collaboration in these topics in a form of knowledge exchange and collaborative projects.



09:00-09:10  Welcome (TValley/Space53)
09:10-09:20  Goal of the workshop (Abeje Y. Mersha)
09:20-09:35  Presentation 1: Challenges and Opportunities (Tom Bevers/Dirk Bekke)
09:35-09:50  Presentation 2: Current state-of-the-art and Promising Technologies (Abeje Y.
09:50-10:20  Breakout session: Brainstorming (participants)
10:20-10:40  Group discussion on results of the brainstorming session
10:40-11:00  Conclusion and way forward (TValley/Space53)

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