
Artificial Intelligence training sessions

Artificial Intelligence training sessions are available!

The Saxion University of Applied Sciences research group ambient intelligence has organized three training sessions in 2021 on Artificial Intelligence (AI), in collaboration with BOOST and TValley. The main objective of this training is to understand the methodologies, capabilities, and requirements of applying AI technology. In the three sessions, interactive lectures are given in the form of webinars.

Did you miss the AI sessions? No problem! We’ve collected all materials used for the training sessions, including video recordings. This material has been made available under an open access license (cc-by-nc-sa, see ‘license’).

The three sessions talk about the following training topics:

  • Methodology & data mining | The CRISP-DM process methodology is explained, and there is a bit of data exploration processing.
  • Machine learning | The principles of machine learning are explained, typical algorithms that can be used.
  • Deep learning | The intuition and core concepts of deep learning are described, and examples are given to create your own neural network.

Click here for the videos, an overview of all the material in this repository, and a selection of links for more information.



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where noted otherwise and excepting the logos used.

Jeroen Linssen
Jeroen Linssen
Associate Lector at Ambient Intelligence, Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Jeroen Linssen


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